My Diary
         Today, I had  the Introduction to Linguistics quiz. The test is quite hard. I think I will not get A from this subject. It is really bad. After the test, I came back home. On the way, I passed The Mall Ngamwongwan. I want to buy milk green tea frappe so much, so I bought it. I always drink the beverage from Amazon Cafe because its taste is very good and the price is touchable. I think I bought the beverage from this shop not lower 50 cups. I hold it on the bus and keep drinking my mike green tea. Then I called my mother to pick me up. My dinner is the Fried zucchini. The formula of this menu is put the egg along with the pork. My mom knows that I really can not eat only vegetable alone. And the vegetable that I hate the most is the Kale fried with Oil. If it has this menu in my house, my family will exactly know that I will do not touch or smell it. Its taste is too bitter than everything in this world. The best way for me is hoping my my not to do this menu. 

