Portfolio Assignment

Name: Saranporn Sartprayoon 6011151060

       This blog is the work of English Writing. There are show many of my development, style, and passion. Before they will be an essays that you are reading, they was passed many process: pre-writing, writing, and rewriting. I wish you guy will impress with my works that I really intended to write'em with my heart. 

Short Description of the work samples 
  1. How To Be XS Girl  (Assignment 1)
  2. Do Not Judge People By their Outfits (Assignment 2)
  3. Unexpected Danger of the Aged Society (Assignment 4)
Why have I chosen these work samples for my portfolio? 
How do these works show my writing development?

    -I chose these works because I wrote them quite good and there have a good idea though
   -I developed a lot like I learned how to compare and contrast, how to write the listing essay, and I know which organize proper with my essay.

What do these assignments show the writing skills I have learned?What are me strengths?

     -I learned what the good writing should be , and learned about  every type of the organizing an essay.
     -My strengths are my different idea and I always develop my writing skill as well.

What is/are the domain(s) that you did very well in this piece of writing? Rank 1-4 (1 = the most; 4 = the least)
         2   Ideas and content                         1   Organization
         3   Voice                                               4   Convention

What activities help you improve your writing skills? You can choose more than one.
    ☐ First drafting                                     ☑️ Journal writing      
    ☐ Portfolio Assessment                     ☑️ Peer response     
    ☑️ Teacher-student conference          ☐ Pre-writing modeling

What does this assignment show I need to improve? You can choose more than one.

    ☑️ Ideas and content: Because sometime my ideas and my content didn't different from other assay as much.
      ☑️ Voice: I usually don't have a strong voice 

What am I going to do to improve my writing?

      I will try to write the essay with my own style, and practice to keep write an essay with several organize.

Title:          How to Be XS Girl
Purpose:     To suggest the ways to lose weight
Audience:   Girls who want to lose weight
(186 words)
          Help me! I’m too fat! Do you want to lose your weight to be XS size girl? Come closer, I have some tricks to share. Let’s begin with the food. You should start by choosing a low-carb diet, cut back on sugar and starches. Eat plenty of fiber food regularly, like broccolis, avocados and blackberries. The next trick is to have fun and burn out calories when exercise. Dancing can make you fun and drop fat at the same time, just imagine you are Beyoncé then pump up the music and dance. Swimming is a good choice because it can make you good-humored and your shape will slimmer like a supermodel. Apart from eating useful food and having fun when exercise, changing your habits is very important. You should reduce your stress because chronic stress may increase levels of the stress hormones, this can cause increased appetite. You should eat only when hungry if you don’t want to have a shape like elephant or hippopotamus. So, if you follow these tricks, I’m absolutely sure that you will become XS girl like Victoria’s Secret Angels for sure!

Assignment: 2
Title :         Don’t judge people by their outfits
Purpose:    To support to don’t judge people by their outfits
Audience:  People who usually judge other people by their outfits\
(200 words)
          Why most of people usually judge solely that they’re good or bad, kind or savage by just looking at their outfits. I’m the one who was judged too. When I studied in secondary school, my school had a rule that every student must wear only long white socks. At that time, I liked to wear a short sock. Then, my teacher found my sock and she angrily said “Have just stupid student like to wear this sock!” After that, she punished me with the big wand like a witch by hitting at my ass and throwing my sock away to the trash. At that moment, I very doubted and disappointed. I will intelligent or stupid is not concern about my sock at all, it’s very ridiculous! So, I want to support to don’t judge people by their outfit. Not just my story, it still has more than just my sock. For example, girl’s skirt that will long or short doesn’t mean she good or bad , and man’s outfit also, he will wear a pink shirt or purple shoes doesn’t mean he weird or crazy. Like one Scottish proverb said “Do not judge by appearances; a rich heart may be under a poor coat”

Assignment: 4
Title:         Unexpected Danger of the Aged Society 
Purpose:   To raise awareness about the causes and effects of the aged society danger
Audience: Everybody who do not realize the danger of aged society
(369 words)
       Currently, number of birth around the world is extremely scarce compared to the number of the elderly’s death. Most of people do not aware what the aged society is. This situation leads to the unexpected danger of the aged society. There are two reasons caused aged society, and two effects for occur the aged society.
         The economic progress and controlling of childbirth policy causes the aged society problem. The economic progress makes many countries be able to increase the welfare to people and development of public health. These are the causes that help people to live longer. Next reason is the controlling of childbirth policy. In the past, some countries paid attention merely living in the past. They thought that having the baby can cause additional burdens and impedes the country’s development. Therefore, some government had the policy that result in a dramatic decrease of birth rate. For example, China has the Parental Control Policy. This make China be one of the countries that is entering for being the aged society. These are the danger causes of the aged social. 
          As a result, the economic progress affects the lifespan, and the controlling of childbirth policy affects the population number. The economic progress brings people’s lifespan longer. They will die slow down and bring of the aged society. The most of elderlies are weaker than the young age, so their children will have to pay a lot of money for medical treatment costs and maybe elderly caregiver wage. Not only the economic progress affects the lifespan but also the controlling of childbirth policy affects the population number. This problem makes population level unbalanced because the number of the elderly’s death is contrast with the number of birth rate. Having higher elderly population while having lower working age, this will have a direct impact on production. Wage might be higher because it lacks of labor, and brings the development of the country has slowed. These are the danger effects of the aged society.
          Therefore, the aged society is more danger than everybody expected. This problem is no longer a small matter. Everybody should realize the causes and the effects for happen the aged society and solve this problem to develop our world. 

