My Diary

      Today, I woke up very early because it had an special class 

beyond the learning schedule. I arrived Kasetsart University 

around 8:30. I went to the classroom, and then I found that nobody 

there! It's because I came too fast. After that my friends come later, 

and we ended the class at 11:00. My friends and I went to the Bar-

Mai Canteen. I picked to eat Deep Fried Tofu with Gravy Sauce or 

เต้าหู้ทรงเครื่อง. The beverage I chose to drink is pandan juice 

because it can really made me very fresh. Then, I kept learn to  

the next subject. During class I really hungry, so I invited my 

friends to let get something. I bought a Tom yam Noodle from my 

favorite shop. I think this day can call "The day of eating". 

