Weekly Journal

        My favorite movie     

ผลการค้นหารูปภาพสำหรับ us and them chinese movie

 The one of my favorite movies is Chinese movie called Us and Them(2018). 
First time I think this movie is just like a normal love movie that I can find easily but then I knew
it wasn't at all. Prominent points of this movie that I really like are the unrequited love of personages who be friend first and finally become a love couple that stay together even
they are very poor but they still stay together and love each other
Shooting technique for this movie are very interesting for me because they show the point of 
view for each character that have their own different reasons to do the way their action and 
the way they choose to be. Us and Them movie can make me smile and cry at the same time, that's 
why I saw it twice with passion. This movie remind me to do my best for today because time never
 return back and my decision really can change my life, so I should look forward to do my best 
for today and future.


